Outdoor coagulation flocculation CFE-S

Coagulation flocculation CFE-S for outdoor useavailable for rent with purchase option!

With built-in flow divider, all in one complete block ready for use.

  • Total volume: 4 m3
  • Flow divider outlet: 3 x d110
  • Coagulation vats stirrer: 200 rpm 0.37kW tri. Can be modified
  • Coagulation vats stirrer: 60 tr/min 0.37kW tri. Can be modified
  • Optional ACS drinking water version
SKU: Coagulation-flocculation-CFE-S Category:

Provided with a hood and a reinforced anti-UV structure, the CFE-S flocculator coagulator is a standardized equipment with many options: position of inlet and outlet, connections, type of stirrers… Therefore, it is necessary to fill out the design form opposite so that we can provide you with a precise estimate and a 3D plan.
<< Click to view the flocculator coagulator design form

Reduce the size of your installations with the CFE-S physico-chemical treatment. This4 m3 structure, intended for outdoor use, is composed of a coagulation and flocculation vat. With the formation of flocs, this equipment allows, among other things

  • remove TSS and colloid
  • the agglomeration of silts and clays
  • heavy metal precipitation

Below are some of the features specific to flocculating coagulators and the benefits of the CFE-S:

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